Am I going to be asked to write a test case?

Am I going to be asked to write a test case?

Q: Am I going to be asked to write a test case?

A: Yes, it's a definite possibility that your manager will ask you to write a test case for your company. However, it's unlikely that on the first day of a new job you will be asked to write a test case. Why? Because before you can write any test case, you need to be up to speed on your company's product. You need to know exactly how the product works, or how it should work. Because test scenarios are designed to represent both typical and unusual situations that may occur in the application. And because any test case needs to simulate real life scenarios that occur in a simulated test environment. And because software systems are getting increasingly complex, therefore it's increasingly more challenging to write test cases. Therefore, writing test cases is generally reserved to a test engineer whose experience level at your company is the highest. However, after a few days or weeks, if you're a test engineer who is up to speed, you may be asked by your manager to write test cases for your company.

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